Mentors and Apprentices

Never discount the power of a good support team!

Note: This functionality will not be 100% live at launch. See Game Roadmapfor more details on release.


Pixelians are able to work a really long time, longer than the respective time of people on earth (we've heard reports of Mythic team members working into for 100yrs) but at some point the retire. However even in their retirement they continue to help the company by acting as mentors. Team members gain XP working on projects (games or research projects). After reaching their limit team members are become retired. Once retired these team members cannot actively work on a project as a main team member.

The good news is your game dev studio can still benefit from them as Mentors. As mentors, your retired NFTs can participate in your game studio projects by providing an additional boost to your main team stats.

As mentioned in the Fusion section, once an NFT retires it is not possible to use it in fusion anymore.


As your team grows larger you may discover that not every developer or designer is a good fit to be on the teams building your projects. But they still can have a place, some will be a better fit as Apprentices to your main team members.

Apprentices will earn valuable experience (XP) and at the same time provide a small additional boost to your main team stats.

Last updated